Lowerhouse Farm, Lower Breache Road, Ewhurst

A programme of historic building recording, evaluation, and a watching brief during the reduction of floor levels within the farmhouse, at Lowerhouse Farm by L Capon of AOC. The farmhouse is dated by a render plaque to 1525, but shows many phases of repair and extension. The earliest parts of the farmhouse are fully timber-framed, and reveal the building to have started as a Hall House, the hall lying north of a two-storey, four room block. Much of the original frame survives, although alterations such as new doorways, blockages and extensions of 19th century date have removed some historic fabric. The hall itself was modified from a tall room open to the rafters by the insertion of a floor quite early in its development. Two other timber framing buildings and a 20th century garage were also recorded. A watching brief during the reduction of floor levels and underpinning within the Farmhouse identified only relatively recent features. The evaluation also revealed only evidence of modern intrusion.