The Life and Work of Helen Allingham - Surrey Archaeological Society Summer Lecture

Friday, 10 June, 2011 - 20:30 to 22:30
Surrey Archaeological Society Summer Lecture

The Life and Work of Helen Allingham by Annabel Watts

Friday 10th June 2011, 7.45pm at The Menuhin Hall

Doors open at 6.30pm. Lecture to commence at 7.45pm
Cash bar will be available from 6.45 pm

Tickets: £12

Helen Allingham is best known in Surrey for her many paintings of the beautiful countryside around her and
particularly the picturesque farmhouses and cottages of Surrey and Sussex for which she became famous.

Lecturer Annabel Watts is an author, consultant and expert on Allingham's illustrative and published works.

[Image courtesy of Hampstead Museum, Burgh House]

Tickets are available from The Menuhin Hall Box Office and are sold on behalf of Surrey Archaeological Society.


The Box Office
The Menuhin Hall

The Yehudi Menuhin School

Cobham Road

Stoke d’Abernon


KT11 3QQ



08700 842020



Exhibition of Work by Helen Allingham
29th June – 16th November 2011
at Burgh House Museum, Hampstead NW3.lLT
Burgh House is a Grade I listed Queen Anne House
Open to the public Wednesday – Sunday  Tel. 0207 431 0144

Postal Address: 
The Menuhin Hall