10.30am Registration: tea and coffee available
11.00am “From wool to cloth: the medieval textile industry in southern England, 1300-1600.” Dr John Hare, visiting research fellow at the University of Winchester
12.00am "Tithes on wool in east Surrey in 1535." Peter Balmer
12.30pm “Sheep & Wool – a practical guide.” David Graham
12.45pm Lunch break – tea and coffee available
1.45pm “Not just the Cistercians - peasant sheep and the trade in wool in medieval England.” Professor Chris Dyer, University of Leicester
2.45pm “The Wool Trade in Guildford.” Mary Alexander3.15pm Final thoughts & discussion – Brian Creese
3.30pm AGM
4.00pm Close
The charge for this meeting of the Forum is £10 payable on the day (£5 for full-time students under the age of 26). No tickets will be issued but it would be very helpful, particularly for catering arrangements, if you could let us know if you will be attending this meeting.
Programme for Sheep & Wool.docx
Replies to: Brian Creese, 7 Acacia Road, Guildford, GU1 1HL. Tel: 07860 104012 or e-mail: