Thank you for visiting our page for joining as an Associate member. This is only available to joiners who live at the same address as an ordinary member who has already joined, or who is joining in the same transaction.
The class of subscription you have chosen is shown below. Please enter your details and preferences in the appropriate boxes. This will put your membership into your shopping basket. Once the shopping basket is complete then you should proceed from there to payment via Paypal. We do not store your details between sessions so you will need to complete the whole process in one visit. Once payment via Paypal is complete you will receive an email from Paypal confitming payment and an email from us confirming your membership choice. You will also receive posted confirmation and other materials.
If you wish to buy more than one membership e.g. you wish to join for an ordinary membership and an associate membership in the same household, you will need to complete the form and preferences more than once, but when multiple memberships are in the shopping basket you can proceed to a single payment.
In the checkout page you will be asked to complete agreements to our terms and also complete Gift Aid details.