Surrey Industrial History Group (SIHG)

SIHG Talk: "Victorian Dynamo: the life and work of Sir Henry Cole" by Nick Pollard (Zoom)

Thursday, 20 February, 2025 - 19:15 to 21:00

The Victorian era produced some prominent figures who seemed to fit so much into their lives that you might wonder how they had time to sleep. Isambard Kingdom Brunel, William Morris and William Ewart Gladstone spring to mind, but another example, rather less well known, is Sir Henry Cole.

You may not have  heard of him, but you’ve certainly heard of the Penny Black, the Great Exhibition of 1851, Christmas cards and the Victoria and Albert Museum – and Sir Henry played a key role in the development of all of these. Come and hear more about him from Nick Pollard, one of SIHG's favourite speakers

Zoom meeting, please register at

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