Thursday, 9 October, 2025 - 14:00 to 16:00
Some short presentations by SIHG member, including:
- “Victorian Pumping Stations” by Tony Samson
- “Industrial Archaeology along Bow Creek, E. London” by Michael Herbert
- "The Baseline Surveys of William Roy" by Stuart Denison
- "Accurate GPS - the techology that turned trig points into industrial archaeology" by Simon Ritchie
Doors 13:30, talk starts at 14:00. Duration 90-120 mins including a tea & coffee break
Free entry for all! Come along for all talks or just the one(s) that particularly interest you
Oddfellows Hall is 10 minutes walk from Leatherhead railway station. 52 Bridge St car park is over the road; Church Street Short Stay Car Park KT22 8DW is 5 minutes walk away, the Swan Centre Car Park KT22 8AH is and a little further away
Postal Address:
Oddfellows Hall
45 Bridge Street
KT22 8BN