Surrey Industrial History Group (SIHG)

SIHG Talk: "The wartime canal volunteers who called themselves ‘Idle Women’" (Zoom) by Alastair Clark

Thursday, 20 November, 2025 - 19:15 to 20:45

The work women of the Land Army in World War 2 is well known.  This talk tells the story of the less well-known women who volunteered in the 1940s to keep traffic flowing on Britain’s canals. However they may have referred to themselves, they were far form “idle women”.

Our speaker, Alastair Clark, has a career background working in research, management and delivery of Adult Education at local, national and international level.  His public talks have been bringing out his passion for the outdoors and for discovery of new places and people.  He’s been delivering live talks for many years, and has been Zooming since Covid.

Zoom registration link TBA.

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