Surrey Industrial History Group (SIHG)

SIHG Talk: "Fore & Aft: The Purton Ships Graveyard" (Zoom) by Paul Barnett

Thursday, 16 October, 2025 - 19:15 to 20:45

And now for something completely different - some maritime industrial archaeology.

Have  you ever heard of Purton Hulks, which is colloquially known as the “Purton Ships' Graveyard”?  It’s  a large number of abandoned boats and ships, deliberately beached beside the River Severn near Purton in Gloucestershire between 1909 and 1965, to reinforce the riverbanks. It’s the  largest ship graveyard in mainland Britain.

Our speaker Paul Barnett has spent many years discovering the history of these ghostly hulks, which he first encountered as a young lad when walking with his father along the banks of the River Severn. He is an accomplished speaker who always researches his topic fully, and both informs an entertains. He usually leaves his audiences with plenty to think about and discuss. Come and hear what he’s discovered and what he’s planning to do net – maybe it will inspire a few of us to go and visit the site.

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