Common Field, Old Reigate Road, Betchworth

Evaluation by R Entwistle of Berkshire Archaeological Services on the opposite side of the road to the Telex Field site where excavation in 2007 had produced evidence of multi-period activity (SyAC 95, 309). The distribution of features and finds uncovered during the work in 2007 suggested that the remains were likely to extend into the Common Field, but contrary to these expectations, almost all the trenches were devoid of features. The only feature of certain archaeological origin was a shallow, heavily truncated pit containing the fragmentary remains of a Late Bronze Age pottery vessel. Apart from the pit, one other significant archaeological deposit was uncovered. This proved to be a natural subsoil hollow, either a geological feature or a large tree-throw cast. The fill produced a mixed assemblage of Late Neolithic and Late Bronze Age pottery. Despite the lack of features, the topsoil and subsoil deposits produced relatively high numbers of finds, significantly pottery of prehistoric date. The suggestion is that these finds were derived from plough-eroded land surfaces, or midden deposits, at the periphery of a settlement, or that settlement or occupation features were once present, but that these had long since been destroyed by ploughing. (420)
