This publication is now out of print but continues to be highly relevant to students of Surrey's rich archaeology and history.
Surrey is home to more than just garden designers, show business personalities and (rather good) cricketers as this volume, devoted to the county's archaeology and history, amply demonstrates. Published to coincide with the sesquicentenary of the Surrey Archaeological Society, it gathers together a number of papers read at a conference held at the University of Surrey in June 2001. In practical terms it updates and expands the scope of the Society's 1987 volume Archaeology in Surrey to 1540.
The essays in the volume were edited by Jonathan Cotton, Glenys Crocker and Audrey Graham in 2002, so to celebrate its 20th anniversary, we are offering the digitised full text on this website.
Please click here to go to a page showing the chapters and the searcheable PDF files of them.