Allianz car park, 57 Ladymead, Guildford

Geoarchaeological investigation by C Green of QUEST consisting of two boreholes and two test pits revealed that the site lies largely on the Holocene flood plain of the river Wey. Only towards the southern boundary of the site did the ground rise towards the level of the Kempton Park Terrace and the Upper Palaeolithic occupation horizon recorded on the surface of that terrace to the south of the A25 (Ladymead). In that area, extensive disturbance was recorded, probably as a result of the construction of the Guildford and Godalming by-pass in the 1930s and previous building work. Substantial thicknesses of made-ground and truncation of the natural sediments was recorded making it unlikely that any Upper Palaeolithic occupation remains exist in situ. However, there was evidence for the survival of organic-rich sediments beneath the Holocene flood plain of the Wey towards the northern end of the site and these may have the potential to provide evidence of environmental conditions in this part of the Wey valley during the Holocene.