Evaluation by S Dyer of SCAU (with volunteers from the SyAS) for Chris Blandford Associates, along the line of proposed improvements to the A3. North and east of Bramshott Common (centred SU 874 341) a geophysical survey was carried out by the Bartlett-Clark Consultancy and a number of pit-like anomalies, which could be archaeologically significant, were identified. To the north and east of Hazel Grove (centred SU 881 349) a number of approximately parallel linear depressions were plotted and identified as remnant hollow ways from traffic before the modern A3 was constructed. At Nutcombe Down (centred SU 883 350) trial pits were excavated, but no finds of archaeological interest were made. Three linear features were sectioned; two were remnant hollow ways, the third a bank-and-ditch, but no dating evidence was recovered. At Boundless Copse (centred SU 900 367) trial pits were excavated and a number of linear banks and ditches from a remnant field system were sectioned. No artefacts were recovered from the trial pits and little dating evidence was recovered from the field system, but it is thought to be post-medieval in date.
Peaty deposits along a woodland ghyll were sampled for palaeo-environmental evidence; pollen assessment of these samples was carried out by Rob Scaife. The pollen recorded a progressively shrinking area of mixed woodland (dominated by oak but with an understorey of holly and hazel), possibly in response to agricultural pressure; the date at which peat began to form could not be ascertained. At Kiln Copse (centred SU 899 373) a section was excavated through a boundary bank-and-ditch but no dating evidence was recovered. A soil monolith was taken from below the bank and subsequently assessed by Rob Scaife. The pollen recorded heathland on the site when the bank was constructed, with some local arable cultivation.
NGR range:
871 900, 339 376