
Land to north and south of M25, Downside

Evaluation by T Collie of ASE and monitoring of geotechnical investigations by A Margetts of ASE in advance of the proposed construction of a motorway service area. Monitoring of the geotechnical works did not reveal any archaeological finds or features, but the evaluation did uncover a few features, principally on higher and drier ground at the west of the site. The majority of the features were undatable, but one ephemeral feature contained prehistoric pottery, and a gully produced a small assemblage of undiagnostic struck flint.

Hengrove Farm, Staines

Continuing excavation by G Hayman of SCAU in advance of mineral extraction. Two areas were excavated in 2005. The northern of the two areas lay immediately north of the area examined in 2004 that included a large number of ditches, waterholes and numerous small pits and postholes, producing substantial quantities of pottery and struck flint, of Middle Bronze Age date. This concentration of evidence did not extend far into the 2005 area. The features were almost exclusively of Bronze Age date.

Ashtead Common villa and tileworks, Ashtead

Evaluation and excavation by D Bird for the Roman Studies Group of SyAS, as part of a wider programme of work designed to gather together and reassess all available information of the villa site excavated by Lowther in the 1920s, and accompanying clay pits and tileworks surveyed and excavated by J Hampton in the 1960s. The work located the site of the villa, and a trench close to its frontage located the approach road to the villa. Two spoil heaps near the villa, and a spoil heap for the detached bath-house, together with the general location of this building, were also found.


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