Priory Park, Reigate
Land at Mercers Farm, Nutfield
St Mary's Church, Guildford
Land west of Sweeter’s Copse, Alfold
Fieldwalking by S Stevens of ASE recovered prehistoric, Romano-British, medieval and post-medieval material in varying quantities, mostly from the southern part of the examined area. There was some correlation between the distribution of the Romano-British and medieval finds and the location of potential buried archaeological features identified during a concurrent geophysical survey.
Newchapel Road, Lingfield
Evaluation by C Russel of ASE revealed a series of medieval field boundary ditches and post-medieval boundary ditches, the latter relating to boundaries on the 1846 tithe map.
Land at Egley Road, Woking
Evaluation by D Britchfield of WA identified evidence for prehistoric activity on or in the vicinity of the site in the form of residual burnt flint and a flint blade of Mesolithic or early Neolithic date. A small quantity of medieval pottery was recovered from a tree-throw hollow but a small pit contained no datable material. Features such as a grubbed-out hedgerow and an infilled ditch indicated that the landscape had been altered in the recent past.
Pollard House, Church Road, Lingfield
Historic building assessment by M Higgins of SCC of a double-ended, Wealden open-hall house. The hall is of two bays with the cross-entry in the hall. When the first chimney was added the cross-entry was preserved. Building work in 2015 revealed double tie/wall plates to the southern end suggesting the service bay was re-levelled when the face wing was added in c 1500, rather than being completely rebuilt as previously thought. Fragments of a black-on-white wall painting were uncovered in the face wing including an eight-petal flower.