

Mercers Quarry, Merstham to North Park Farm Quarry,

Excavation by S Hammond of TVAS of six lengths of a pipeline trench between the quarries revealed a series of prehistoric pits, postholes and linear features, many datable by the struck flint within them to the Mesolithic. A localised area of buried soil beneath colluvium may pre-date the Bronze Age, although it did not contain any datable artefacts. A medieval ditch and two post-medieval features, consisting of a pit cut by a substantial rubble wall foundation, were also revealed.

Majestic House, High Street, Staines

Evaluation by K Bazley of AOC revealed a large linear feature of Roman date (thought to be a flood protection ditch), a post pit, posthole, pit and gully, possibly prehistoric and indicative of settlement activity. A medieval or early post-medieval gully, and evidence of substantial post-Victorian disturbance, including foundation remains of the Majestic Picture Theatre were also found. Further work is proposed.

Land at Hope Cottage, Egham

Evaluation by T Collie of AOC on the supposed site of a former medieval moated manor. No structural evidence was revealed. However, the remains of the moat were discovered in the form of a large waterlogged ditch, with the earliest fills dating to the late medieval to early Tudor period. A subsequent watching brief undertaken during the removal of existing foundations failed to extend to archaeologically sensitive levels.

89–95 High Street, Egham

Evaluation by D Eddisford of AOC revealed evidence for medieval occupation and post-medieval dumping deposits surviving along the High Street, sealed beneath the footings of the modern structures. Truncation had removed deposits in areas away from the High Street frontage however. Subsequent excavation confirmed this, with the medieval features surviving along the street frontage including ditches, postholes and a pottery kiln. An area of Tudor stratigraphy also survived, which included brick structures and a metalled surface.

Reigate town centre, Reigate

Watching brief by J Robertson of SCAU during the construction of a pipeline from the High Street at Reigate Methodist church into Priory Park. A number of features probably relating to the 18th century geometric kitchen gardens were revealed within the park, as well as the remains of a possible former trackway. Elsewhere, an apparent buried medieval soil layer produced 13th and 14th century pottery, and the area around the Methodist church and towards the High Street revealed evidence from probable boundary walls and a cellar of post-medieval date.

Priory Park, Reigate

Geophysical survey and evaluation by D Sykes of OA to inform a bid to the Heritage Lottery Fund for the restoration and enhancement of the park landscape. The geophysical work provided generally disappointing and inconclusive results, especially around the area of the priory where it had been hoped that evidence for former monastic structures would be forthcoming, although magnetometry work on the summit of Park Hill did reveal a number of anomalies consistent with the presence of a Bronze Age site that is suspected to exist in the area.


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