

Rumbeams Farm, Ewhurst

Report by J English of SyAS on a curved boundary bank and ditch around the farm, which encloses an area of around 64 acres. This may represent an original virgated holding, formed as settlement expanded into the Weald in the medieval period. Such holdings often appear to be formed of multiples of 30 acres in Surrey. (304)

Hydon Ball Reservoir

A watching brief was maintained by M Dover of SCAU, for Thames Water Utilities, on the construction of a replacement pipeline to the reservoir, where work was not along an existing road. The route passed close to the church at Hambledon, and pieces of medieval and post-medieval tile, and some post-medieval pottery were recovered from this section, although no features were noted. The section through the field boundary south of the track to Upper Vann Lane suggested that a ditch had preceded the current boundary bank, but no dating evidence was recovered.

Farnham Park

A rapid survey of the park was undertaken by K D Graham of SyAS for SCC’s Planning Dept, as part of an ongoing project examining Areas of Historic Landscape Value. The park was originally a deer park for the Bishops of Winchester at Farnham Castle, and was created c.1376-7. It incorporates remains of ridge & furrow, which may predate its creation, and features associated with later industrial activity, namely a number of clay pits and at least one medieval kiln.

6-7 Castle Street, Farnham

A watching brief was maintained by A & K D Graham of SyAS on the refurbishment of these buildings and a pair of timber framed barns (formerly a malthouse and kiln) to their rear and trial excavation was carried out in the garden. The main buildings were rebuilt c.1958 and the only evidence for an earlier phase was part of the north wall, which incorporated a probably Tudor fireplace. No evidence for occupation earlier than the late 18th/early 19th century was seen in trial pits or builders’ trenches.

Royal Oak PH, High Street, Caterham

A watching brief by J Davison of CNHSS on the construction of a rear extension revealed no archaeological features, but a number of large blocks of chalk were seen - presumably relating to an earlier structure of some kind. One piece of medieval pottery and several sherds of probably 18th century red ware were recovered. In addition the presence of a quantity of iron slag and burnt shale and coal suggests iron working took place on the site at some point before the pub was built c 1880. The property was known as ‘The Smith’s Shop’ in 18th and 19th century documents.

Land North of Water Lane, Bletchingley

Fieldwalking by the BSAG of an area where cropmarks have been identified on aerial photos. Numerous pieces of worked flint were recovered, as well as some burnt flint. Apart from a couple of pieces of Roman pottery, the bulk of the pottery recovered was medieval (late 12th/early 13th) and post-medieval. A resistivity survey was also carried out, that confirmed the presence of a number of features.

The King’s Arms, High Street, Bagshot

Excavation by SHAHT, under the direction of G Cole, to the rear of 36-40 High Street. The earliest feature revealed was a wide flat-bottomed ditch which may have been one of the fish ponds known to have existed on the site from documentary records. Sherds of Coarse Border Ware vessels of 14th century date were recovered from the base of the ditch; from the middle of the 16th century the ditch was infilled by rubbish. To the north-west of the ditch was a flint cobbled surface; tothe south east of the ditch was evidence for a post-constructed building with a trampled sand and clay floor.


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