Iron Age

Trumps Farm, Kitsmead Lane, Longcross, Chertsey

Evaluation by G Trimble of APS (Archaeological Project Services) revealed pits and ditches indicating the presence of an Iron Age domestic settlement within the north-eastern part of the site with the presence of hammerscale in one of the pits providing evidence of ironworking. A subsequent strip, map and record of the area revealed a total of 22 features of archaeological interest. Two main phases of activity were identified encompassing the Early/Middle Iron Age and, to a lesser extent, the 10th–12th centuries.

Brook Wood, land at north-east Horley

Excavation by A Margetts of ASE, following on from contiguous work in 2012, revealed continuing evidence of Middle/Late Iron Age and Late Iron Age/Romano-British activity. Further medieval and post-medieval evidence was recorded, mainly comprising field systems. Results from the site show that prehistoric, Romano-British and medieval settlement in the area developed and extended in close proximity to arterial waterways such as the Burstow stream where fertile land, with both riverine and forest habitat resources, clearly presented an attractive proposition to ancient settlers.

Lime Trees Primary School, Battlebridge Lane, Merstham

Evaluation and subsequent excavation by W Weller of SCAU produced residual Mesolithic and Neolithic flintwork and a potential Bronze Age ditch terminal. An intensive period of activity began in the Middle Iron Age and extended into the early 2nd century AD, with a series of boundary or enclosure ditches and pits dominating the excavated area. The ditches may have formed a rectangular enclosure or field boundaries associated with a central domestic enclosure of a previously, partially recorded farmstead.

Merland Rise, Tadworth

Evaluation by T Munnery of SCAU revealed residual Mesolithic and Neolithic flintwork, a number of probable Late Bronze Age/Early Iron Age ditches and medieval or post-medieval quarry/dene holes. The character of the ditches suggests they form part of a field system rather than a settlement enclosure.

Buckland to Outwood water main

Evaluation and subsequent excavation by G Dawkes of ASE along the c17km route, from Buckland Pumping Station in the west to the Outwood Reservoir in the east. Two sites of particular archaeological significance were identified: a prehistoric and Roman site in the vicinity of Buckland village, immediately south of the A25, and a medieval site located to the north of Buckland, adjacent to Glebe House on Rectory Lane.


Magnetometry survey and evaluation by R Hooker of SyAS exposed a length of a narrow ditch truncated by ploughing. The ditch was filled with a burnt deposit containing large quantities of heavily burnt bone and a considerable quantity of pottery sherds, provisionally dated as Late Iron Age and early Roman. Further magnetometry and excavation work is planned to determine the extent of the archaeological features. (Bulletin 449)

South Holmwood Brickworks, Newdigate Road, Newdigate

Strip, map and sample by J Wright of COT revealed two pits and two linear features, and recovered a small quantity of probable Mesolithic flint from the top of the natural substrate. One of the pits was similar to examples investigated in an adjoining area in 2011 thought likely to be tree-throw hollows resulting from tree clearance in the Late Bronze Age or Early Iron Age. The second pit is also likely to be the remains of a tree-throw hollow but probably of recent origin.


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