Bronze Age

Shepperton Studios, Shepperton

Evaluation by H Clough of PCA in advance of the construction of a workshop extension revealed two ditches of probable Bronze Age origin, a palaeochannel which may be prehistoric, medieval agricultural features, a late 18th or early 19th century wall, and residual burnt and worked flint, abraded Roman pottery and a piece of unabraded Saxo-Norman pottery. Subsequent monitoring of two geotechnical test pits within the proposed footprint of the workshop revealed only modern deposits.

Whitehall Lane/Milton Park Farm, Egham

Ongoing evaluation, continuing from the work carried out in 2003, by A Taylor of TVAS in advance of possible mineral extraction on this site. Material recovered included stray and residual finds of Upper Palaeolithic date, as well as Mesolithic, Neolithic and Bronze Age flintwork. Prehistoric, Roman, Saxon and medieval pottery was also found as well as occupation evidence of Bronze Age, Iron Age, Saxon, medieval and post-medieval dates.

Land at Painsfield allotments, Eastworth Road, Chertsey

Evaluation and excavation by J Robertson of SCAU, prior to residential development. The evaluation revealed five pits at the centre of the site, containing pottery of largely a Middle Bronze Age date, while towards the south of the site a further pit was dated to the Iron Age. Residual Neolithic pottery was also recovered, suggesting that the area had been a focus for prehistoric activity for a considerable period. Further excavation at the centre of the site revealed additional Middle Bronze Age pits, ditches and a waterhole, but no indication of structures.

4–5 Avenue Road, Banstead

Evaluation by J Robertson of SCAU prior to a residential redevelopment of the site. No features of archaeological interest were revealed, although some Bronze Age flints were recovered from the topsoil, which also contained a dump of demolition debris probably relating to a nearby building of medieval/post-medieval date.

537 Norbury Park, Mickleham

Excavation carried out in late 2003 by D Williams of SCC on and around the findspot of three bronze objects of mid–Late Bronze Age date found during metal detecting. The excavation involved one trench located on the findspot and a number of test pits which revealed that the hoard appears to have lain beneath a small cairn of tightly packed flint nodules. The cairn may have been created on the edge of a lynchet, suggesting a similar date for this feature. (378)

Wisley Sewage Works, Wisley

Watching brief carried out by J Perry of SutAS during the construction of a mobile telephone network mast. Numerous fragments of worked and burnt flint were recovered, together with a fragment of burnt flint-tempered pottery of probable Late Bronze Age to Early Iron Age date, from sandy deposits interpreted as being riverine in origin. The report concludes that there was no evidence for archaeology in the trench.

Home Farm, Albury

Fieldwalking by J English of SyAS in a field attached to the farm recovered 72 struck flints of possible Bronze Age date, three sherds of 13th century-type pottery and a thin scatter of post-medieval pottery and tile fragments. (376)

Manor Park, Guildford

Evaluation and watching brief by J Pine of TVAS on further areas of the proposed University of Surrey expansion site, following the previous evaluation and excavation works in 2002 and 2003. The evaluation produced evidence for Early to Middle Bronze Age activity, in the form of isolated pits. Medieval activity was also noted, in the form of pits, ditches and a possible hearth. Given their proximity to the nearby moated site of Manor Farm, it is assumed that they are associated with activity relating to this site, although the dating evidence was not clear.

Former Imperial College Sports Ground, Stoke D’Abernon

Evaluation by R Wardill of WA of land proposed as the location for new football pitches. A concentration of possible Bronze Age activity comprising at least five ditches was located at the eastern end, and two isolated ditches with similar fills were found towards the centre and western end of the area evaluated. Bronze Age flint artefacts were found in the subsoil across the area, with the highest density in the area of the westernmost ditch. A single ditch containing medieval pottery and two undated postholes were also revealed.


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