Bronze Age

The Bence, Thorpe

Evaluation by S Thompson of WA. A ditch containing Late Bronze Age pottery and a waterlain soil deposit characteristic of either a river channel or flood plain suggest the site is located within a well-preserved and rich prehistoric landscape.

South Holmwood Brickworks, Newdigate Road, Newdigate

Soil stripping, mapping and sample exercise by J Wright of COT revealed three features, all of which contained charcoal. Two contained oak and the third contained alder/hazel fragments, burnt at a high temperature and exhibiting evidence of probable in-situ heating/burning, and probably represent the remains of burnt tree stumps associated with woodland clearance. Radiocarbon dating of the alder/hazel suggests such clearance occurred in the Late Bronze Age or Early Iron Age.

Cuckoo Farm, West Clandon

Evaluation by A Taylor of TVAS. Two distinct clusters of pits and postholes were revealed. One cluster produced material dating to the Middle Bronze Age and included fragments of urns from the subsoil suggesting the former presence of a cremation cemetery in the area. The second cluster of features did not produce conclusive dating evidence. A third area of the site contained evidence for a more dispersed series of features, which were dated to the Early Bronze Age, Iron Age and possibly Saxon periods, as well as a series of undated linear features.

Tilly's Lane, Staines

Two phases of archaeological excavations were undertaken within the Tilly's Lane development area on the north side of Staines High Street. A single trench was excavated at Tilly's Lane East between April and June 1999, with two trenches at Tilly's Lane West - British Gas and High Street sites - between February and May 2000. All the trenches lay on the gravel island, though Tilly's Lane East and the British Gas site lay within early flood zones.

Land at Mercers Farm, Nutfield

Oxford Archaeology South (OAS) was commissioned by Andrew Josephs Ltd, on behalf of J and J Franks Ltd, to undertake an archaeological evaluation of land at Mercers Farm, near Nutfield, Surrey (centred on TQ 3050 5200) ahead of proposed mineral extraction. The work was undertaken between 3rd - 27th January 2012. A total of 94 trenches were excavated across the site. Evidence was found for activity from three main periods: the earliest spanning the late Bronze Age to early Iron Age; medieval agricultural use; and post-medieval activity.

Sheerwater, Woking

Geoarchaeological survey by E Stafford of OA to inform the proposed Sheerwater Regeneration scheme. Twenty hand-augered samples across the northern part of the site provided baseline data on the nature of sedimentary sequences and recorded a shallow topsoil and a humic silty sandy subsoil over Bagshot Bed deposits. Charcoal fragments from the base of the sequence were radiocarbon dated to the Middle Bronze Age (1500–1320 cal BC) and may be indicative of human activity in the vicinity during this period.


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