Bronze Age

Land off Heights Close, Banstead

Evaluation by G Pattison of SCAU, for Mr Dupenois, of land proposed for residential development to the north west of the Tumble Beacon, revealed only a handful of struck flints associated with charcoal and burnt flint. The flints appear to be Bronze Age in date, although one possibly Neolithic flint was also recovered. A fragment of pottery, probably prehistoric, but too small for identification, was also recovered.

centred, Mickleham Downs

Survey of the archaeological and historic landscape of the Downs by C Currie of CKC Archaeology, for SCC and SyAS, with reference to them being proposed as Areas of Historic Landscape. The work is ongoing and is being carried out as part of the Community Archaeological Programme. A number of archaeological features were discovered and recorded including a group of possible Bronze Age barrows in an area recently cleared of woodland cover, and a deserted medieval hamlet formerly known as Poneshurst.

Manor Farm, Guildford

Resistivity survey following on from fieldwalking in 1997 located several linear features, and two small trenches were excavated by H Davies and J English and the GfdAG to investigate their nature. The features proved to be three ditches, seemingly parallel, and a small extension to one of the trenches located a short length of probable wall footing of large flint nodules keyed together but not mortared and cut into the ditch siltings.

Eashing Mill, Lower Eashing

A watching brief maintained by R Poulton and S Hind of SCAU, for Richard Cook Ltd, on the redevelopment of this 19th century mill site for offices, revealed no evidence for earlier mills; the area was found to have been fairly extensively disturbed as a result of 19th and 20th century works. However, palaeo-environmental analysis of sediments in former channels of the Wey, uncovered by the works, revealed evidence for increasing human activity in the vicinity from the Bronze Age onwards, with a commensurate reduction in the amount of woodland in the area.

Cherry Orchard Nursery, Ewell

Evaluation by M Dover of SCAU, for the Mitchell Evans Partnership, of the site of a new leisure centre within what was formerly Nonsuch Park. Several features were revealed, some of Roman date, some possibly Bronze Age. Only the bases of these features survived, indicating that the use of the site as a nursery had caused a degree of disturbance.

Home Farm, Laleham

Evaluation on phase 8 of the mineral extraction works by G Hayman of SCAU. A number of ditches were revealed, probably relating to field systems located away from the main focus of settlement. A few isolated pits and a single cremation burial appear to support this hypothesis. Few finds were recovered from the site, and the material has not been processed at the time of writing, but what was found was suggestive of a Bronze-Age date.

Bagmoor Common, Elstead

Metal detector and walkover survey directed by D Graham of SyAS, following tree felling and ground scraping by Surrey Wildlife Trust. A small quantity of flintwork was found, including a Neolithic oblique arrowhead, and a small amount of probable prehistoric pottery. Metal detecting produced the blade of a bronze axe, probably the broken tip of a palstave axe. (339)

Hengrove Farm, Staines

Continuing monitoring work by J Stevenson of SCAU on stripping of the site in advance of mineral extraction revealed a long stretch of ditch. This probably relates to the possible Bronze Age field system previously identified on the site.


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