20th century


Preston Cross hotel, Rectory Lane, Little Bookham

Programme of photographic historic building recording by H Green of ASE. The hotel is situated on land that was occupied by a building from 1842. The present building retains elements of this structure, which has been substantially altered. The extensive alterations include the addition of a mock Tudor frontage to the east between 1914 and 1934 and the construction of a large function suite with guest rooms above to the west in the later 20th century. The two outbuildings built between 1842 and 1869 have been converted for domestic use.

Bellerby Theatre, Leapale Lane, Guildford

Historic building survey by Dr E Oakley for AAL (Allen Archaeology Ltd) revealed an L-shaped block of one- and two-storey brick buildings, with four broad phases of development identified. The earliest component represented buildings established c 1868 as part of the Filmer and Mason Ironworks. By 1881 the site was known as Church Acre ironworks and a number of small extensions were added in the period 1881–96. The ironworks ceased operation in the 1920s and the site was later occupied by the army.


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