19th century

The Old Coach House, Bletchingley Castle, Bletchingley

Report on a watching brief carried out by G Rapson of MOLA in 2009 during the excavation of five small pits to allow an electricity cable to be laid underground within the Scheduled Monument. One of the pits contained a charcoal-rich layer within colluvial deposits, a similar undated charcoal-rich layer was revealed in another, and evidence of extensive late 19th–20th century remodelling of the area was revealed within the remaining three.

Fort Road, Guildford

Watching brief by S Watson of PCA. Elements of the outer defensive ditch of Pewley Hill Fort, a 19th century Mobilisation Centre, were recorded. The extensive 19th century remodelling of the site to construct the fort resulted in no finds or features pre-dating this period apparently surviving.

West Hall, Parvis Road, West Byfleet

Evaluation and watching brief by I Howell and historic building survey by H Robertson of MOLA. The evaluation revealed the northern and southern edges of a water feature shown on maps of 1768, 1801 and 1841, and several red brick footings which appear to have belonged to two phases of greenhouse construction. Groundworks within the area of the water feature were subject to the watching brief, but the majority of these were not deep enough to expose the cut of the feature, and it was not possible to ascertain its function.

Lingfield Park Squash Club, Racecourse Road, Lingfield

Evaluation by S Wallis of TVAS revealed over twenty deep rectangular tanks. Historic maps illustrate that the site was formerly occupied by a 19th century tannery, and the tanks were almost certainly once part of this complex. Many were timber lined, and all appeared to have been deliberately backfilled prior to the demolition of the tannery buildings in the early 20th century. No artefacts or deposits pre-dating the 19th century were identified.

Land at Park Road, Stanwell

Evaluation by R Humphrey of PCA revealed a posthole, suggested to be post-medieval, and a shallow ditch. The ditch is considered to have existed as a property or field boundary during the 18th to 20th centuries as it is visible on historic maps, but finds recovered from could indicate that it was older, and further work (a watching brief) is proposed.

15 High Street, Stanwell

Soil stripping, mapping and sampling by Z Pozorski of AS adjoining an area of excavation undertaken by PCA in 2002 (SyAC 91, 271) which had revealed evidence of prehistoric, medieval and post-medieval activity. A large, late medieval (15th century) pit, two undated pits, and two or possibly three late 18th/19th century soakways were revealed. The investigation did not reveal continuation of linear features discovered in 2002, possibly because of truncation caused by a recently demolished building.

Centred, Woking Park and former Westfield Tip, Woking

Two phases of evaluation by S Mounce of WA in in advance of flood protection, landscaping, tip remediation and redevelopment alongside the Hoe Stream. The first phase revealed a significant depth of alluvial deposits, late 19th and early 20th artefacts likely to have been washed up and deposited by the Hoe in a trench closest to the modern path of the stream, but no deposits of archaeological interest. The second phase revealed alluvial layers within all of the trenches, confirming that the site historically lay within the floodplain.

Land at The Bays, Godstone Road, Lingfield

Evaluation by D Hopkinson of ASE revealed the remains of a mid 19th century farmstead building, possibly an open sided barn, and a number of pits likely to be for refuse disposal from a similar period. The building had been built over an earlier infilled sandstone quarry cut. Residual pottery and ceramic building material of medieval date recovered from the topsoil and subsoil suggest that there may have been some activity on the site prior to the 19th century, although it is more likely that the ceramics were brought on to the site during manuring.


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