19th century

Eastgate House, 225 High Street, Guildford

Evaluation by J Pine of TVAS revealed evidence for 13th–15th century layers, with the possibility of a cut feature of medieval date also being discovered, although this could not be confirmed. Evidence of 17th–18th century pitting activity was also revealed, followed by 19th–20th century disturbance in a relatively deep sequence that suggested continuous activity on the site for some considerable time.

192–194 High Street, Guildford

Excavation by J Pine of TVAS following evaluation in 2004. The earliest features recorded were a series of 13th–14th century pits containing an array of domestic rubbish. There appeared to be a hiatus in activity following this, with little further activity noted until a 17th century soil/rubbish horizon was revealed. Pitting then continued into the 18th and 19th centuries in a sequence of fairly typical urban backlands activity. A subsequent watching brief was undertaken during the underpinning of a boundary wall.

St Catherine’s Lock, Godalming Navigation, Artington

Investigative test pitting by C Currie of CKCA to obtain information about the construction of the lock behind the early 20th century concrete facing, in advance of restoration works by the NT. Documentary evidence suggested the concrete facing covered a timber structure, although it was thought that the record was incomplete and the sides of the lock were actually of brick. The test pits revealed substantial timber braces and no evidence for brick remains, indicating that the documentary sources were indeed correct.

Land to rear of 25–31 High Street, Thames Ditton

Evaluation by S Holden of PCA revealed a single feature containing no datable material, and two parallel brick-built walls dated to the late 18th/early 19th centuries, which are likely to correspond to a building shown on the 1870 OS map. Evidence of prehistoric activity, in the form of possible struck flint and pieces of burnt flint, together with sherds of prehistoric, possibly Iron Age, pottery, was found residually across the site with artefacts of medieval and post-medieval date.

Speer Road, Thames Ditton

Watching brief maintained by G Potter of CA during the excavation of a pipe trench, and associated works, along the line of Speer Road. Two residual struck flints were recovered, but otherwise the only evidence of past activity was represented by occasional 19th and 20th century finds in reworked soils and other disturbed ground.

Vine Cottage, Sutton Park

Excavation by D Bird of SCC in the garden of Vine Cottage to test the results of geophysical survey undertaken by A and D Graham of SyAS and locate a buried stone wall reportedly found in 1832; this was thought possibly to be the chapel mentioned in medieval documents, associated with Sutton manor. A recorded anomaly was found to be a recent garden path and no medieval finds were made. This accords with the results of the excavations of 1978–86, in that there is very little evidence to suggest medieval activity near Vine Cottage (381)

Great and Little Earls Woods, Oxted

Archaeological assessment by N Bannister for the Woodlands Trust revealed that wood banks are the predominant archaeological feature. These are likely to be at least medieval and probably date from when the woods were enclosed to prevent stock grazing. The woods were once much larger, and reduced earthworks on the western side suggests that subsequent fields or assarts were created by clearing areas of the woodland. Ditches of 19th century date, dug to aid drainage in the woods, and evidence of Second World War military activity in the form of slit trenches, were also discovered.


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