Thames Valley Archaeological Services

Manor Park, Guildford

Watching brief by J McNicoll-Norbury of TVAS during stripping for a soil storage area. The truncated remains of a Bronze Age pottery vessel – possibly a placed deposit – were revealed, together with a small ditch that contained medieval pottery. See TVAS monograph 11

Park Street, Camberley

Continuation of the watching brief begun in 2006 by S Ford of TVAS during redevelopment works. Little of archaeological interest was revealed, although peat deposits were unexpectedly encountered on part of the site. Analysis of pollens from this material suggested a changing landscape, with heathland species predominating in the early part of the sequence, followed by an increase in alder carr and grassy species later on.

Roakes Avenue, Addlestone

Evaluation by S Hammond of TVAS revealed a number of ditches and linear gullies of late post-medieval date, probably relating to the previous use of the site as allotments. A single small pit was found to contain a very small amount of charcoal and burnt bone and is probably of an earlier date, but no definite dating evidence was found to confirm this.


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