Fieldwalking, field reconnaissance, geohysical survey, and monitoring of groundworks by NA in advance of, and during, the creation of new pipeline. Awaiting report on fieldwork.
Watching brief maintained by M Campbell of NA during work along selected sections of a replacement water main. Made-ground thought to result from either the original construction of the golf course between 1911 and 1913 or from phases of remodelling that followed was revealed in much of the area examined, but no finds or features of archaeological interest.
Monitoring of topsoil stripping by R Moore of NA in the area of two proposed haul roads did not reveal any features of archaeological significance, but did recover struck flint of Neolithic/Bronze Age date, a fragment of 17th century pot, and a small collection of modern ceramic building material.
Evaluation by M Lightfoot of NA revealed evidence of post-medieval to modern activity, although no evidence for any previous utilization of the area was revealed