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Chaldon Report 2012 and 2020

Transcription of aerial photographs by Simon Crutchley (English Heritage) led Mike Russell (2002) to suggest the presence of a prehistoric field system at land on Willey Farm, Chaldon, and that it might be associated with the nearby hillfort known as either War Coppice or Cardinal’s Cap. A visit to the area showed that some of the field boundaries appeared as above ground earthworks and it was decided that an analytical survey would be undertaken by members of the Prehistoric Group. An interim report was published in 2012 below. A report on the completed work has been published in 2020 and is available as a pdf attachment to this page.

A probable medieval ironworking site at Lower Mousehill Lane, Milford, Surrey 2014

The attached report by David Graham, with contributions by Phil Jones and Hugh Turrall-Clarke refers to a probable medieval iron working site in the garden of Coldharbour Cottage, Lower Moushill Lane, Milford in Surrey - NGR SU93892 42360. Finds made while gardening and during a subsequent limited archaeological investigation produced evidence of a medieval iron working site in the grounds of Coldharbour Cottage, Milford.

Finding Farnham Community Archaeology Project 2014-15

'Finding Farnham' is a Heritage Lottery Funded test-pitting community dig established in 2014 in Farnham, Surrey (NGR SU 8447). Led by the Museum of Farnham and local archaeologists Anne Sassin and David Graham of the Surrey Archaeological Society, the project finished its first two seasons with 35 one metre squared test pits dug throughout the town centre in the month of July, incorporating over 500 participants in total.


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