Watching brief carried out by E Whitbourn during construction of an extension did not reveal any features and only a small quantity of 19th century pottery.
Watching brief carried out by E Whitbourn during rebuilding of a garage revealed post-medieval and modern tile and brick, and one fragment of tile or brick of Romano-British date.
Watching brief carried out by E Whitbourn during the construction of an extension to the rear of the Museum. The watching brief revealed foundations and associated building material of an earlier extension, and underlying this, a bargate stone lined well, and assorted post-medieval finds.
Watching brief carried out by E Whitbourn during construction of an extension on the side of the cottage, which was originally the coach house entrance. The area had already been much disturbed by a disused, probably 19th century, drain and a modern drain.
Watching brief carried out by R Poulton of SCAU, on behalf of Mr. T Hepple, on the site of an extension to the house. No finds or features of archaeological interest were revealed.
Watching brief by R Poulton of SCAU, for R Aird, on the construction of a new house near St Nicholas’ Church. No features or finds of archaeological interest were made, but the site had been extensively disturbed.
Recording of finds by D Graham and D Williams recovered during a metal detecting rally held on fields to the east, north and west of Peper Harow. Hundreds of objects were recorded ranging in date from the Middle Bronze Age to the 19th century. (330)
Fieldworking survey by A Hall and R Hooker on the common revealed some woodland banks and a number of glass-making pits, but not the barrow or ancient field systems suggested to be present. (330)
Evaluation by M. Dover of SCAU, for Simmons Country Homes, prior to the construction of seven houses. Two trenches were excavated that produced no finds or features of archaeological interest.