
Dunsfold Park, Dunsfold

In August 2012 Oxford Archaeology (OA) carried out a field evaluation on land at Dunsfold park, Dunsfold, Surrey on behalf of Bio Group Ltd. The evaluation comprised machine excavation of 8 trenches 60m long and 2 trenches 25m in length, all with a width of 1.6m. The evaluation found very little in the way of significant archaeological remains. Agricultural furrows were identified crossing the site, generally from west-north-west to east-south-east, but the only archaeological features were one pit (or tree-throw hole) and a north-south ditch that was located crossing two trenches.

Bourne Channel Diversion, Farnham

In October 2013 Oxford Archaeology conducted an archaeological test-pit evaluation and watching brief during the excavation of a channel diversion at Farnham Bourne, Surrey (centred at NGR: SU 8472 4617). The excavation exposed modern reinforcement of the south bank of the water course together with two phases of probable garden soils overlying alluvial deposits. The existing channel’s location, above the level of the gardens to the south, suggests that the water course was channelised, probably to supply a mill further to the east.

Land west of Sweeter’s Copse, Alfold

Fieldwalking by S Stevens of ASE recovered prehistoric, Romano-British, medieval and post-medieval material in varying quantities, mostly from the southern part of the examined area. There was some correlation between the distribution of the Romano-British and medieval finds and the location of potential buried archaeological features identified during a concurrent geophysical survey.

Barn Hill Gardens Nursery, Pitch Hill, Ewhurst

Historic building recording and watching brief by West Sussex Archaeology identified the main building on the site as a four-bay threshing barn with a later open-fronted shelter abutted to its north-west corner. On cartographic evidence and construction style, the barn is of late 18th century date and may have been constructed in 1796, as evidenced by the carved date on a greensand block in its southern plinth wall.

Land at Priory Orchard, Station Road, Godalming (

A second phase of excavation by N Randall of SCAU, following an earlier archaeological evaluation (SyAC 99, 237) that revealed part of a previously unknown early medieval Christian burial ground, confirmed the extent of the burial ground, from which a further 225 in-situ inhumations were excavated, and revealed part of a tannery complex. A mitigation strategy was developed by which a substantial proportion of the inhumations within the development area were left in situ beneath landscaped and car park areas.


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