
St Peter and St Paul's church, Chaldon

Watching brief by T Munnery of SCAU following evaluation in 2008 that had exposed the foundations of the church and three burials in the area of a proposed vestry. Parts of 60 inhumations and two cremations, all of Christian origin, and mostly thought to date from the previous 150 years were revealed, excavated and removed for later reburial elsewhere within the grounds of the church. Two pieces of pottery, dated to the medieval and Roman periods, were recovered from the subsoil and a grave fill respectively.

Mercers Farm South, Nutfield Marsh Road, near Nutfield

Geophysical survey by J Adcock of GSB Prospection Ltd and two phases of evaluation by V Hughes and S Leech of OAS of an area proposed for mineral extraction. The geophysics revealed a series of linear anomalies that may be small enclosures; strong responses that suggest the presence of fired materials or ferrous-rich deposits, and numerous linear trends thought to be of agricultural origin.

Woolborough Farm, Hatch Lane, Nutfield

Historic building recording by M Higgins of SCC during alterations to a three-bay timber-framed building with two bays open and one floored, interpreted as an attached kitchen. The open hearth of this was uncovered during the works. The 'kitchen' stands at right angles to two floored bays that were attached to another building. The 'kitchen' and attached two floored bays have been dendrochronologically dated to c1562. A further one bay of the timber-framed building with a chimney stack replaces what is thought to have been the original house, and is likely to be of 17th century date.


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