
Birchen Coppice, Bletchingley

Evaluation by P Cox of AC Archaeology revealed a single undated gully and an ill-defined feature, possibly a tree-throw hollow, containing charcoal fragments and a possible late Mesolithic blade. A subsequent watching brief during the creation of an access track revealed two undated features: one observed in section and possibly representing a former ditch, and the other a short linear feature comprised almost solely of charcoal. No evidence was present to assist with dating or identifying the function of the earthwork located in the nearby Birchen Coppice.

Staffhurst Wood, Limpsfield

Report on an archaeological assessment undertaken in 2003 by N Bannister for the Woodlands Trust. Because the wood was probably managed as a wood pasture common (where manorial tenants could graze stock beneath an open canopy of pollarded trees and where there was little need for wood banks dividing the property of different woodland owners), and because of levelling for and laying out of a munitions store located here during the Second World War, few features of antiquity exist.

Greenlawn Memorial Park, Warlingham

Evaluation by J Robertson of SCAU in advance of a proposed extension to the cemetery revealed a large number of features including an Iron Age pit and three large pits (deneholes) of medieval date. All the pits contained residual finds of prehistoric date, as did a number of undated pits, ditches and a posthole, and provide evidence for activity from the Neolithic to the Iron Age in the vicinity.

Stratton Farm, Godstone

Investigation by Time Team comprising geophysical survey, field survey and trenching identified a number of Roman features including several pits, one of which was over 3m deep, a kiln or oven, and that the Roman road connecting London and Brighton ran through the site and not along Tilburstow Hill Road, a short distance to the east. (398)


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