Surrey Heath

48-54, High Street, Bagshot

Further work on site was carried out by G H Cole for Surrey Heath Group of SyAS. A further length of a ditch seen in 1983 was Located; it contained several sherds of grass or chaff-tempered pottery. Also found was evidence for a well-preserved timber post and plank building of AD 1250 to 1350 replaced by a late 14th century post-built structure (partially seen in 1984/85). A complete wooden barrel, set in puddled clay, was thought to underlie the levels dated 1250-1350, and beneath it was found a complete wooden bowl. More information was gained about the 17th century tavern (?

56 High Street, Bagshot

Excavation by G H Cole for SHAHT and Surrey Heath BC in advance of redevelopment. Waterlogged remains of a timber building provisionally dated to 1300-1350 were found, cut by a fence line and then by a massive post-built structure dated to the early 16th century. This was followed by the artificial raising of the land and the construction of a stone building of c1550-1640 dated by pottery, glass, etc thought to indicate a drinking house. The site was then unoccupied until the mid-late 18th century when the cottages recently demolished were constructed.

South Farm, Lightwater

Sixth season of excavation by G H Cole for SHAHT. Two distinct areas were examined. In the first a rectangular well was found and dated to before AD 200; it was severely disturbed by a ditch whose fill was dated cAD 200-250 and by the construction of a cesspit of cAD 1780. The second area produced worked flint dated Mesolithic/Neolithic and a barbed and tanged arrowhead. Late Iron Age pottery was found and part of a late 1st or early 2nd century AD Romanised building indicated by beam slots and said to have sand or gravel floors.

42 London Road, Bagshot

Two seasons of excavation were directed by G H Cole for SHAHT. There was evidence for earlier prehistoric occupation (worked flints) and late Iron Age occupation and possibly related iron working (pottery and slag). Parts of possible buildings of the 2nd/3rd centuries were identified and there was late RB material including part of a jet finger ring with a monogrammed cross. No evidence was found for medieval occupation but the site had evidence for a post-medieval tanning industry known from documents to date c l596-1851.

Land at Lutine Farm, Bagshot

A watching brief by S Dyer of SCAU for Allen Edwards Ltd, during groundworks for a new golf course, recorded no features or finds of archaeological interest. Trial trenching on the former farm site (SU 917 638) found no evidence for earlier buildings, although the farm is thought to have originated in the medieval period. (289)


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