
North of Park Road, Stanwell

Excavation by M G O'Connell for SCC and DoE further examined a crop mark complex (figs I, 2). A very large LBA pit was found, in which fragments of worked wood had been preserved. The pit cut one of two parallel ditches previously assumed to mark a Roman road and now interpreted as a cursus. Closer examination of aerial photographs indicated two other possible cursus to the north, and a possible henge near the excavation site; the excavation also examined further a prehistoric trackway and Saxon features. Later work for SCC and the British Airports Authority confirmed the cursus identification

9-11 Market Square, Staines

Excavation by R J Poulton for SCC and DoE in advance of redevelopment revealed Roman, medieval and post-medieval occupation. Of particular interest were several early pre-Flavian levels with evidence for round houses, a late 2nd or early 3rd century well or ritual shaft with the remains of at least 17 dogs, no evidence between late Roman and late 12th century levels, and a medieval well and ovens.

Land at St Michael’s Road, Ashford

The first phase of evaluation of this site by R Lambert of SCAU revealed a variety of features dating to the post-medieval, Saxon and possibly prehistoric periods. The features largely comprised ditches or elongated pits. A second phase of evaluation to the south revealed deposits of post-medieval, medieval and prehistoric date comprising ditches, another elongated pit, and a number of smaller circular pits.

St Michael’s Roman Catholic Primary School, Feltham Hill Road, Ashford

Evaluation by R Lambert of SCAU revealed a variety of features and deposits dating to the prehistoric, medieval and post-medieval periods. A ditch containing later Bronze Age flintwork was the earliest feature. The ditch contained a residual Mesolithic core, and a flint flake of Neolithic or Early Bronze Age date. Two joining pot sherds from a Late Saxon bowl were also recovered from a layer of post-medieval soil above the feature.

Matthew Arnold School, Staines

Evaluation by T Munnery of SCAU close to the site of the Scheduled Caesar’s Camp revealed evidence of prehistoric activity, with a slight concentration of Neolithic to Early Bronze Age flintwork to the east and Late Bronze Age structural evidence to the west. Two undated ditch sections from two trenches appeared to be aligned and may be the earthwork identified by William Stukeley in the 18th century.

Manor Farm, Laleham

Evaluation by J Pine and A Weale of TVAS in advance of possible mineral extraction involved the excavation of 149 trenches. A high density of certain and probable archaeological deposits was revealed, with 60% of the trenches proving positive, although little cultural or environmental dating evidence was recovered from them. Where such evidence was present, the deposits reflected Early Neolithic and probable Middle to Late Bronze Age occupation, with prehistoric activity of other periods represented by a few pieces of possible Mesolithic flintwork, Late Neolithic and Late Iron Age pottery.


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