
Pound Road, Chertsey

Evaluation by H Knight of MoLAS in advance of a new office development. No finds or features of archaeological interest were revealed by trial trenching, which showed that the site had been extensively quarried in the late 19th-early 20th centuries. However borehole testing elsewhere suggested that part of the site may still retain undisturbed soil horizons of possible archaeological significance.

Queenwood Farm, Chobham Road, Chobham

Evaluation by J Stevenson of SCAU prior to the creation of a new “heathland style” golf course. No finds or features of archaeological significance were revealed. A subsequent watching brief discovered only a few pieces of calcined flint. Fieldwalking by A Allen, a local archaeologist, did lead to the discovery of sherds of pottery and tile of late Roman date in one area. The stripped area adjoining the find site was examined, but no features relating to occupation were found.

Great Fosters Hotel, Egham

Excavation and watching brief by J Leary of PCA during large-scale redevelopment. Demolition of the kitchens revealed the remains of former 18th century outbuildings, with possible Tudor antecedents, above a medieval ploughsoil. Possible prehistoric features were also observed in drainage works nearby.

Oliver Court, Egham

Test pitting by S Johnson of JSAC prior to redevelopment revealed features of potential early medieval date, although firm conclusions as to the nature of the site were difficult to make owing to the limited nature of the exercise.

Former Marconi Site, Addlestone

Evaluation by M Dover of SCAU in advance of commercial and residential redevelopment. A single undated linear feature, likely to be prehistoric, was revealed, although generally the site had undergone large-scale truncation in the past. A subsequent excavation revealed gullies and ditches belonging to settlement enclosures, a number of pits, and a large waterhole. Pottery, including large parts of individual vessels, as well as loomweights and other finds dating to the Late Bronze Age/Early Iron Age transition were recovered.


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