Reigate & Banstead

Chart Lane, Reigate

Excavation by D W Williams for HAG on open land opposite Reigate parish church, to test for Saxon settlement evidence. No features earlier than 19th century were found, and no finds earlier than the 13th except for two shell-tempered sherds. (198)

site of Priory Park Motors, West Street, Reigate

Observation of redevelopment work by D W Williams showed that the petrol station had destroyed all archaeological features except the late medieval undercroft. Part of the east-west section along Slipshoe Street could be recorded, revealing at least three former surfaces of the road. The earliest contained small sherds of 16th/17th century pottery and leather including the end of a knife sheath and part of a shoe. (207)

Headley Drive, Tadworth

Salvage excavation by S Nelson and S Kahn in building work recorded 42 shallow inhumation burials, aligned roughly east-west in nine rows. Grave goods were mostly typical Saxon iron knives, with two simple bronze belt fittings, a small biconical pot, a rock crystal amulet with a bronze strapwork holder and a decorative bone knife fitting. Probably late 6th to 7th centuries. (217) (SyAC 90, 117-145)

Old Vicarage, Church Street, Reigate

Observation by D W Williams and HAG of a redevelopment, located further features of archaeological interest. Two oxen were found buried in a pit probably of 18th century date or later. A medieval rectangular rubbish pit and a deep circular feature interpreted as a cess-pit of c.1400 were also found. Many finds were made, some with the assistence of metal detector users, including the first RB coin noted from Reigate. (224)

31 Bell Street, Reigate

Rescue and salvage excavation by D W Williams for HAG was the first examination- of the archaeology of the east side of Bell Street. Three medieval features were found, all containing similar pottery suggesting a date in the second half of the 12th century. This was further confirmed by a cut halfpenny of Henry II (1158-80) found in the fill of a sub-rectangular pit, possibly a cesspit, above its base, which was formed by a group blackened stones.

Preston Hawe, Banstead

Excavation by R J Poulton for SCC and McAlpine Homes South Ltd in advance of development affecting the south-west corner of the enclosure identified by B Hope-Taylor. The ditch on the south side was found to be no more than a gully and no signs of occupation were noted. A number of mostly Mesolithic flints were found, not in contemporary contexts; they included a tranchet axe. (224)


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