Reigate & Banstead

Reigate Priory School, Reigate

Watching brief by D Williams of SCAU during the excavation of service trenches associated with the Priory Park regeneration project. Stone-built foundations, which were probably the remains of a former wing of the house, were revealed. A somewhat larger foundation that may have once formed part of the original Augustinian priory buildings was revealed, although dating evidence was not found. Four inhumation burials were also uncovered. All the archaeological remains have been preserved in situ.

Land north of Tanyard Farm, Horley

Evaluation by D Swift of ASE revealed a number of linear features, probably drainage and/or boundary ditches of post-17th century date, although they rarely produced datable material. Two of the ditches produced small quantities of Late Bronze Age and Late Iron Age pottery, although there was no conclusive evidence to suggest that this material was not residual in later features. Some small pits/postholes were also found, although none contained dating evidence. Most of the datable material was recovered from the topsoil, and was predominantly post-medieval in date.

Priory Park, Reigate

Ground penetrating radar survey by T Archer of Arrow Geophysics as part of the park regeneration project. The area of the former tennis courts was examined during the trial trench evaluation to examine the extent of the structural archaeological remains that work had revealed. Despite the apparent suitability of the technique for this purpose and the known shallow depth of the remains, the results were disappointingly inconclusive, probably due to a number of factors including the uneven nature of parts of the area and buried building debris.

Priory Park, Reigate

Evaluation and excavation by J Robertson of SCAU, undertaken as part of the park regeneration programme. The area of the former tennis courts was evaluated, with evidence for the remains of a hexagonal dovecote, structural walls and a hearth being revealed. The area was thought more suitable for geophysical survey, however, and this technique was pursued here subsequently (see report below).

Stepstile meadow, Reigate

Evaluation by T Collie of ASE revealed evidence for extensive terracing of the site prior to the construction of the existing house in the 1930s. However, one trench revealed an intact soil profile with a shallow depression containing pottery of a Late Iron Age–Early Roman date, with a more substantial cut feature of this period also being located. A subsequent investigation by D Whittaker of ASE revealed further evidence of this date in a roughly linear alignment.

Mere Park, Nutfield

Watching brief by R Lambert of SCAU during the installation of a pipeline. Much of the area of impact was found to be previously disturbed ground. One area did demonstrate an intact stratigraphic soil profile, and a small number of Neolithic/Bronze Age flints were encountered residually in the subsoil. However, no features were observed.


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