Reigate & Banstead

Reigate Priory Park

Watching brief carried out by R Poulton of SCAU, on remedial footpath and drainage works. No finds or features of archaeological interest were revealed, most likely due to the largely superficial nature of the works.

Noke Farm, Chipstead

Historic building recording carried out by C Currie of CKCA in advance of the conversion of farm buildings to residential use. The buildings appear to be a good example of `model’ farm construction dating from a time of agricultural optimism between 1847 and 1869.

51a Bell Street, Reigate

Evaluation by J Stevenson of SCAU prior to the development of the site for offices. Some evidence for the demolition of a post-medieval, possibly 17th century, structure was encountered towards the north-western corner of the site. Post-medieval postholes or small pits were also seen. A ditch, which appeared to be of some antiquity, was revealed, although no dating evidence was recovered from the fill. A subsequent watching brief provided no further information on the feature.

6 High Street, Reigate

Evaluation by J Stevenson of SCAU in advance of a residential development revealed no features of archaeological significance. Residual 16th century pottery was recovered from modern layers, indicating that archaeological remains may be present in the area, possibly at levels that will not be compromised during the proposed construction works.


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