
Fort Road, Guildford

Watching brief by S Watson of PCA. Elements of the outer defensive ditch of Pewley Hill Fort, a 19th century Mobilisation Centre, were recorded. The extensive 19th century remodelling of the site to construct the fort resulted in no finds or features pre-dating this period apparently surviving.

Glaziers Lane, Normandy

Evaluation by D Calow of SyAS. Evidence for Romano-British metalworking, including slag, solidified drips and hammerscale were revealed, as was a substantial ditch. A resistivity survey by D and A Graham of SyAS demonstrated the possible location of a structure. This would provide the first suggestion of a building suspected in the area through the discovery of significant quantities of scattered building materials. (423)


Metal detecting by a landowner uncovered a collection of late 3rd or early 4th century items including a copper-alloy bowl, fragments of three glass vessels, c 4kg of fragments of tin ingot or scrap pewter, late 3rd century pottery, iron objects and a small samian patera, so far thought to be unique, made in Rheinzabern and dated by Joanna Bird to AD 280–350. The objects had been buried together in a small pit.

Holy Trinity church, Guildford

Watching brief by K Grant of ASE during the construction of an access ramp at the front of the site. A number of intercutting burials were revealed, dating to the use of this part of the site for burial between the 15th and 17th centuries. The majority of the individuals were women and children. A wall footing was interpreted as part of the 1578 market building depicted on the 1739 Ichnography of Guildford, and evidence was recorded of a later wall footing, probably related to the octagonal structure that replaced the market building in the 1760s.

Guildford Castle, Guildford

Watching brief by W Weller of SCAU. The reconstruction of a front boundary wall afforded the opportunity to examine the area west of the former Great Hall for evidence of a porch. A substantial foundation characteristic of 12th–13th century construction was revealed, but it could not be determined whether it related to a porch or another form of structure.

St Catherine’s Chapel, Guildford

Excavation by D Calow of SyAS to test one of the anomalies revealed during a resistivity survey 20m to the east of the chapel in 2008. Three pits were revealed, containing finds suggestive of an 18th century date and possibly related to the annual fair. Worked flint consistent with reports of Mesolithic material discovered in the area in 1976 was recovered, but the anomaly noted during the previous survey was thought to have been caused by the underlying geology. (Bulletin 422)


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