
6 Quarry Street, Guildford

A watching brief by the GMVEU recorded evidence for chalk walling in the cellar. Trial excavation revealed an earlier brick floor in the cellar; finds included red ware of 14th-15th century date, White and Red Border wares of 17th and 18th century date and tin-glazes ware of 18th century date. (300)

50-54 High Street, Guildford

Excavation by R Poulton of SCAU, for the Equitable Life Assurance Society, of the upstand at the rear of these buildings followed trial pitting by the GMVEU. Much modern disturbance was revealed but a number of 12th/13th/14th century pits survived. One such pit, of 12th/13th century date, appeared to be sealed by chalk rubble, which is presumed to be debris from the partial demolition of the medieval chamber below these properties. (321)

Guildford Park

A report on fieldwalking by H Davies of SyAS in 1993. Four fields within the former park were covered and a variety of post-medieval finds, including Red Border Ware, were found. It is thought likely these result from manuring of the fields. (310)


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