
Graving Dock, Dapdune Wharf, Guildford

Evaluation by C Currie for the National Trust, in advance of works to widen the dock, indicated that the wharf has been extended on more than one occasion. A watching brief was therefore maintained on the works. A timber structure supported on large beams was identified and presumed to be used for pulling barges out of the river for repair and for lowering them back. This structure was covered by 19th century dumps of material, into which was cut a brick hearth, presumably used to boil tar etc for barge repairs. The hearth had largely been destroyed when the bank of the present dock was cut.

Land adjacent to Barnwood School, Worplesdon, Guildford

An evaluation by G Hayman of SCAU for SCC’s Resources Dept, of land proposed for redevelopment near the site of a known Roman villa, produced extensive remains of Roman date. Features recorded included walls, ditches, postholes and pits, and are thought to indicate the remains of ancillary buildings to the main villa (which was excavated in the 19th century).The pottery recovered was largely of 3rd and 4th century date, although significant quantities of material from the 1st and 2nd centuries AD (including coarsewares) indicate settlement from at least that date.

Church Cottage, Church Lane, Pirbright

Following the discovery of pottery and a metal item by the owner of Church Cottage during the digging of foundation trenches for an extension, GMVEU produced a short report on the artefacts recovered from the spoil. These included various waste deposits, eg fragments of leather shoes, and over a hundred sherds of medieval and post-medieval pottery. As the finds seemed to be concentrated in certain areas of spoil they could have come from a feature or features - perhaps a rubbish tip.

Ash Manor, Ash Green

Evaluation by J Robertson for SCAU, for Mr & Mrs McDougall, within and adjacent to a 17th century barn outside the moated manor site. Trial trenching within the barn revealed a low brick wall and two postholes beneath it, but no dating evidence was recovered. (301)


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